Two Clans from any Kingdom can form an Alliance. To do so, both Clans must be more than seven days old.
Members of allied Clans can:
- Send convoys of resources to each other
- Send reinforcements to each other, as well as to Fortresses, excluding Forts in Holmgang
- Form joint Onslaughts
- Help each other by speeding up processes in Towns
- Communicate in Alliance Chat
Allies can, however, communicate in chat and help each other by boosting processes even if they are in different Kingdoms.
In the Clan window, under the My Clan tab, you will see the Alliance panel, where you can view the conditions for forming an Alliance or information about your allied Clan if you have one. The "Alliance management" button is only available to the Chief.
Forming an Alliance
Only the Chief can send, accept, or reject offers to form an Alliance. Keep in mind that an Alliance can only be formed on a Monday or a Thursday between 00:00 and 23:00 UTC, and, moreover, neither Clan must have any active Onslaughts.
If you are the Chief, to offer an Alliance to another Clan, open the information window about the relevant Clan and hit the "Form Alliance" button.
To manage the Alliance, hit the "Alliance management" button in the My Clan tab or select the corresponding icon in the Management tab. If the Clan doesn't yet have an ally, a window will appear that displays the requirements for forming an Alliance. In this window, you can also check offers you have sent and received and also set a restriction regarding incoming offers from other Clans.
Select the "Offers received" panel to open the list of offers to form an Alliance that have been sent by other Clans. To accept an offer, hit the "Form Alliance" button, or use the "Reject offer" button to reject it.
If you select the "Offers sent" panel, you will see a list of offers to form an Alliance that you have already sent to other Clans. Here you can cancel an offer by hitting the "Cancel offer" button.
Offers in both lists are saved for seven days only.
Also, the Chief always receives mail regarding offers to form an Alliance and about forming or breaking an Alliance.
To set a restriction on incoming offers from other Clans, go to the "Alliance management" window and move the toggle located in the "Receive offers from other Clans" panel to the left. In this restricted mode, you will still be able to send offers to form an Alliance to other Clans.
Breaking an Alliance
To stop being an ally with a Clan, you need to break the Alliance. You may wish to do so in order to form an Alliance with another Clan, for example.
Only the Chief can break the Alliance and only on Mondays or Thursdays between 00:00 and 23:00 UTC. Moreover, neither Clan must have any active Onslaughts. To break the Alliance, the Chief needs to open the "Alliance management" window and hit the "Break Alliance" button.
After the Alliance has been broken, you cannot send reinforcements to your former ally anymore. However, if when the Alliance was broken, your troops were in allied Towns, Place of Power, or Clan Stronghold, they will remain there marked as allies.
In Towns and Fortresses, these remaining troops will act as reinforcements, i.e. they will protect the location from any attacks, Onslaughts, and espionage — including attacks by your own Clan. To prevent this, recall your troops manually.
Details regarding Alliances in Competitions
In global Competitions, allies may be on opposing sides. In this case, they cannot attack each other, but they can earn points for:
- Attacking Invaders, Uber Invaders, Chief Uber Invaders, and Ghosts
- Training and healing warriors
- Yielding resources
- Increasing Influence and developing the Clan Stronghold
- Eliminating warriors from other enemy Clans and Kingdoms or neutral troops, such as defenders in Towers of Fury and troops led by jötunns
If allies are on opposing sides in Holmgang, they won't be able to attack Forts or each other. They can only score points by killing warriors from other Clans and Kingdoms. They may, however, break the Alliance in order to really take the fight to one another.
If you don't want your ally to end up as your opponent in Holmgang, you should choose different times for the battle.
How to distinguish allied Jarls
Allies are marked with a green icon with crossed axes. You can see it in the ally's profile, in the information window about the ally's Town on the Global Map, and in resource locations that the ally has captured. Reinforcements that have been sent by an ally and allied troops in an Onslaught are also marked with this icon.
On the Global Map and in the Navigator in your Town, Towns of allied Jarls are displayed in the same way as your clanmates' Towns. In Alliance Chat, allies' names are displayed in green.
Please note:
- You cannot exile an ally's Town from your Valley of the Aesir.
- In the "Clan members' battles" window, reports about joint Onslaughts with allies are displayed only for the Clan that initiated the Onslaught. These reports are sent to the mail of all participants in the Onslaught, both clanmates and allies, however.
- You can share location coordinates in Alliance Chat.