Clans Battle

The Clans Battle is a global Competition held between Clans from different Kingdoms. To win the Competition, one of the Clans must earn more points than the other in as many categories as possible. If the opponents succeed in an equal number of categories, the Clan that earned the most points overall wins.

You can read all the necessary information about the Clans Battle in the following ways:

  • Open the Competitions tab in the Events window and hit the icon marked "Clans Battle"
  • Hit the icon of the active Clans Battle global Competition on the Global Map or Kingdoms Map
  • Check it out in the News of the North window

The Clans Battle takes place both in your home Kingdom and the opposing Clan's Kingdom. Town relocation from one Kingdom to another is performed under the same principle as in other global Competitions. Read more about this in the "Kingdoms Battle. Town relocation" subsection.

Competition features

To participate in the Clans Battle, you need to fulfill several requirements:

  • You must be a Clan member when the Competition is announced
  • Your Kingdom must be at least 30 days old
  • Your Clan must have been created at least 30 minutes before the Competition was announced in the Events window
  • An opponent must be assigned to your Clan
Before the Competition is announced, all Clans within their Leagues are divided into pairs.

Pairing depends on the level of activity of the previous Clans Battle participants. This level is defined by the number of checkpoints reached. In the end, there are 4 groups for selecting a pair:

  1. Clans that didn't earn points or earned few points and didn't even reach checkpoint 1
  2. Clans that passed checkpoint 1 but didn't reach 2
  3. Clans that stopped between checkpoints 2 and 5
  4. Clans that passed checkpoint 5

If there are not enough Clans to make pairs in one of the groups, then a Clan from the previous group is selected.

Some Clans can be left without opponents due to an insufficient number of participants. In this case, the youngest Clan or the Clan that has the least Influence will be dropped from the Competition.

You can obtain information about the opposing Clan in the Clans Battle Competition information window if you hit the icon of the enemy Clan.

In the Clans Battle, you can attack any Town of the enemy Clan (marked in red) regardless of its Palace level. Attacking Jarls who are not members of the opposing Clan won't bring you points in the Competition. You also can't attack Jarls from the foreign Kingdom if they are not Clan members and if their Palace is below level 15.

Read more about the features of all global Competitions in the Global Competitions subsection.

Scoring points

To earn points in the Clans Battle, each participant must complete tasks set by the Competition.

Points are earned in both the home and enemy Kingdoms. However, you receive more points for actions performed in enemy territory, for example, for attacking Invaders and Ghosts and for yielding resources in resource locations.

Points for personal achievements are awarded right after you complete tasks. With Clan achievements, points are awarded at certain time intervals. You can view the distribution of points in the relevant tabs:

There are eight task categories in total:

  1. Capturing an enemy's Place of Power: capture and hold the Place of Power in your enemy's Kingdom until it changes its status to Guarded.
  2. Battles in the Clan Stronghold: kill enemy warriors and troops led by jötunns in the Clan Stronghold.
  3. Killing enemy warriors during an attack: attack and kill enemy warriors in any location.
  4. Killing enemy warriors during defense: defend any location and kill enemy warriors.
  5. Killing enemy warriors: kill enemy warriors anywhere.
  6. Training and healing warriors.
  7. Hunting Invaders and Ghosts, yielding resources in resource locations.
  8. Increasing Influence and developing the Clan Stronghold: increase your Influence and the Influence of your Clan Stronghold in various ways.

The sum of points earned in all categories makes up the total number of a Clan's points.

In the "Capturing an enemy's Place of Power" category, there are no tasks that will bring you points for Clan and personal achievements when you complete them. Each successful attempt at capturing the Place of Power and subsequently holding it until it changes its status to Guarded brings a Clan two points in the Competition.

The "Increasing Influence and developing the Clan Stronghold" category has three subcategories of tasks. Each subcategory has its own rules for earning points:

  • Points in the "Earn Influence in the Clan Stronghold" and "Transform resources in the Clan Stronghold" subcategories are only counted towards Clan achievements, not towards the personal achievements of the Chief or Elders.
  • Points in the "Transform resources in the Clan Stronghold" subcategory are awarded per unit of a resource that is transformed.
  • Points in the "Earn Influence" subcategory (learning Knowledge in the Oracle and constructing and upgrading buildings in the Towns of the Clan members) count towards personal and Clan achievements.

If the Clan reaches the checkpoints in the Clans Battle only as a result of points earned for developing the Clan Stronghold, the Chief receives all the notifications and rewards. If the Clan wins the Competition, the Clan members and its Chief don't receive the rewards for victory (however, bonuses for speeding up processes in the Town and the Stronghold are active for all Clan members, even in this case).

If a Jarl joins a Clan after the Competition has been announced and becomes the Clan Chief, the Clan won't earn points for developing the Stronghold or for capturing and holding the Place of Power.

To win the Competition, a Clan must lead by points in the most categories. If the opponents succeed in an equal number of categories, the Clan that earned the most points overall wins.

If your Clan wins the Battle, each Clan member who earned at least one point will get a reward set by the Competition.

In the Clans Battle, Jarls only earn points for kills when killing warriors from the opposing Clan and troops led by jötunns.

Rules for awarding points

The Jarl is a Clan member 

The Jarl earns personal and Clan points. 

The opposing Clan earns points for eliminating the Jarl's warriors. 

The Jarl joined a Clan in the 30 minutes before the Competition was announced 

The Jarl doesn't earn personal or Clan points. 

The opposing Clan earns points for eliminating the Jarl's warriors. 

The Jarl quit their Clan or was expelled from it during the Competition 

The Jarl doesn't earn rewards for new Clan achievements. 

The Jarl changed their home Kingdom using the Drakkar item and joined a Clan during the Competition 

The Jarl doesn't earn personal or Clan points. 

The opposing Clan earns points for eliminating the Jarl's warriors. 

The Clan has been disbanded 

The Clan members lose all the points they have earned. The opposing Clan is declared the winner and continues to earn points for completing tasks. 

If the tasks in the Clans Battle are the same as the tasks in other Competitions, then the Jarl earns points in all Competitions. 

You will receive rewards for personal achievements if your Clan wins the Competition. 

End of the Competition and rewards

If you are in an enemy Kingdom when the Competition ends, your Town will be automatically relocated to the place of your Town's Echo (the object that saves your territory on the Global Map while you're in the foreign Kingdom) in your home Kingdom.

Rewards in the Clans Battle are divided into the following types:

  • Rewards for checkpoints (1–10). These are received by Jarls who are Clan members and have earned at least one point in the Competition. Expand each checkpoint block to see the details.
  • Rewards for legendary checkpoints (11–15). These are received by Jarls who earned a certain number of points in personal achievements. These checkpoints are outlined with a yellow border in the Competition window.
Trophies for personal achievements are awarded if your Clan wins and only after the Competition has ended. If you don't earn the required number of points in personal achievements, you won't receive a reward for legendary checkpoints even if your Clan wins.

Read more about personal achievements in the Global Competitions subsection.

  • The reward for reaching one of the top places in the Competition ranking. If a Clan takes a top position, all Clan members who earned at least one point in the Competition receive a reward. The reward depends on the Clan's League and the position it achieved in the ranking.
  • Rewards for members of the winning Clan. For seven days, bonuses that speed up processes in the Clan Stronghold and in clanmates' Towns are active (you can find out more about this in the corresponding block of the Events window or in the Info tab of the Clans Battle window). Also, Jarls who earned at least one point in the Competition get Marks of Resolve.
  • The reward for the Chief of the winning Clan. In addition to other trophies, the Clan Chief receives resources for Clan development if the Chief has earned at least one point in personal achievements. The minimum amount of these resources for your League is displayed in the window that shows information about the Competition.

The amount of resources depends on the League the Clan belongs to, and on the total number of points earned by the Clan in the Competition. Read more in the article that can be found on the Vikings: War of Clans forum.

If you join a Clan in the 30 minutes before the Competition is announced, you won't earn points or receive rewards. If you join a Clan in the 30 minutes before the Competition is announced and are appointed Chief, you also won't earn points or receive rewards even if your Clan wins the Competition.

The Clan that lost doesn't receive any negative bonuses.

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