Battle for the Light. Towers of Light
The Alfheim battlefield is divided into three areas, with a Portal and Towers of Light in each area.
To view the battlefield, go to the Competition screen and select the "Tasks" icon. On the chart, you will be able to view:
- Portals
- Towers of Light
- The number of points earned for holding each Tower of Light
Portals are starting points from which Jarls can send their troops to Towers of Light to capture them. If you select your Portal on the Alfheim map, your Town screen will open.
The Portal that is assigned to you when the battle begins is selected entirely at random.
To quickly go to your Portal from any part of Alfheim, select the icon highlighted in the screenshot below:
Towers of Light are Fortresses that Jarls can hold in order to earn points in the Competition. Points are awarded once every 30 seconds. The points are earned by the Jarl who is holding the Tower as of the end of the cycle.
Towers grant different numbers of points. You can receive the most points from the Tower in the center of the map. You can hold any number of Towers at the same time.
Towers of Light have no levels. Instead, they have letters (A, B, or C), indicating the area they're in, followed by a number. The central Tower only has a number.
Some Towers grant bonuses to whoever is holding them. Such Fortresses have distinctive visual features. The bonuses granted by the Towers that a Jarl is holding are added together and apply to all the Jarl's troops.
Features of marches on Towers of Light
In this Competition, Jarls fight alone, not as part of a Clan, so only the following marches with a unique appearance can be sent to Towers of Light:
- Attack (represented by a dragon rider)
- Espionage (represented by an airship)
- Troop replenishment (represented by a Viking troop)
On the Alfheim map, your troops are marked in green, while enemy troops are marked in red.
Troop replenishment is a type of march only available in Alfheim. Once you've captured a Tower, any warriors that you send to it will join your troops that are already there.
In order to send a troop replenishment, select the Tower you are holding and hit the "Replenish" button. After that, the standard window for forming a troop will open.
You can create Troop Sets for replenishing troops. Read more about this in the Troop Sets subsection.
If you send a replenishment troop to a Tower, and at the same time, the Tower gets captured by another Jarl, or you recall your troops and the Tower becomes neutral, then the replenishment troop will reach its destination and then return to your Town.
In Alfheim, there is a set duration for marches on the map. Each Tower has its own fixed march duration. The duration of a march is not influenced by a Jarl's bonuses, troop stats, or anything else.
If your Hero, Shaman, and their Doubles are on a march in Alfheim, their bonuses do not affect your Town.
You cannot have more than two active marches per Tower. This includes any troops that are returning to your Town if you recalled them or if they were displaced by an enemy.
Features of capturing and holding Towers of Light
To capture a Tower, simply attack it. You can only send troops to Towers that are connected to your Portal or to another Tower that you are already holding.
After a successful attack, your troop will occupy and hold the Tower. There can only be one troop in a Tower: any further warriors you send will simply replenish the existing troop.
A scout troop cannot capture and hold a Tower of Light.
If only scouts remain in a Tower after an enemy attack, the Tower will fall under enemy control, and the scouts will return to their Town.
It is not possible to partially recall troops from a Tower you're holding. You can recall all your warriors, but you will stop holding the Tower and earning points as a result.
A Tower's capacity is determined by the maximum size of a march that you are able to send to it.
For example, let's say you send 100M warriors to the Tower, but the bonuses in effect at the time the march is sent allow you to send 150M warriors. This means the capacity of the Tower will be 150M warriors. If you later send a troop with a maximum size of 200M warriors to the same Tower, the Tower's capacity will increase to 200M.
Any warriors that the Tower of Light cannot accommodate will return to your Town.
For example, let's say 50M of your warriors are holding a Tower with a capacity of 150M, and you then send a replenishment troop of 150M warriors to the same Tower. 100M warriors of the replenishment troop will join the existing troop holding the Tower, and the remaining 50M will return to your Town.
If you send two marches to a Tower in a row and the first one captures it, then the second march, when it reaches its destination, will replenish the troops in the Tower. Any warriors that the Tower cannot accommodate will return to your Town.