Glossary of game terms
A, B, C
A boost that increases the experience gained by the Hero by 25%.
All the information about your game progress. You can link your account to Google Play or Game Center, or to your Apple ID or Plarium ID.
A mark of distinction, which also provides bonuses. You can upgrade an achievement, thereby increasing its bonuses. You will receive Gold by doing so.
Buildings that are needed for training warriors, learning Knowledge, and for other game mechanics. There are different administrative buildings in the Town and the Clan Stronghold.
Permanent bonuses from an Aes that has been enhanced to level 1 and higher.
The time that is required for an Aes's blessing to recharge.
Temporary bonuses that are granted by a summoned Aes.
The gods of Asgard, who can be summoned and enhanced in the Sanctuary of the Aesir. Their patronage grants permanent bonuses, while their blessing provides temporary ones. These bonuses affect the stats of your warriors and Town.
A union of two Clans. Alliance members can organize joint Onslaughts, send convoys and reinforcements to one another, and render help by boosting processes in one another's Towns.
A player from the Clan you have an Alliance with.
A separate world where the "Battle for Asgard" legendary Competition is held.
Neutral troops that defend Asgard Towers during the Battle for Asgard Competition.
Here, Clan Chiefs can spend Medals of the Aesir to buy various items, pieces of equipment, Town Skins, and Hero's Skins, which they can then send to any member of their Clan.
Fortresses on the Floating Isles in Asgard. They contain neutral troops — Asgard Sentinels. During the Battle for Asgard, Clans fight for these Towers and earn points by holding them.
A Shaman's march on a Ghost.
A Hero's march on an Invader.
A Shaman whose bonuses increase building speed and resource production.
The destruction of a Ghost by a Shaman.
A window in which you can purchase various packages containing items, resources, equipment, and Gold, and also buy subscriptions.
A legendary Competition that is held in Asgard. Clans from all Kingdoms fight for Asgard Towers.
A legendary Competition that is held in Jotunheim. Jarls from all Kingdoms fight for a Fortress called the "Throne of Jotunheim" in order to obtain the King of Jotunheim honorific.
A list of players you don't want to communicate with.
A piece of secret Knowledge in the Oracle. It grants a permanent bonus to your troops' offense during their attacks on Towns, but it imposes a temporary restriction on using a Peace Treaty.
An item that increases your Hero's experience by a certain number of points.
An item that increases a Shaman's experience by a certain number of points.
An item that temporarily improves various stats or that decreases the remaining time of a process that is running in the Town or in the Stronghold, or the duration of a march.
An item that is used for upgrading buildings between levels 27 and 31.
A successful attack on the Place of Power.
Dungeons in Helheim in which your Champion explores floors and fights the powers of Gloom.
In this section of the Clan Store, the Clan Chief and Elders can procure items, boosts, speed-ups, and more using Prowess Points.
A troop type that is effective against ranged troops and siege units.
Special gems that each grant four military bonuses. You cannot receive them as a reward or find them as drops — you can only create them by using specific quantities of various gems, including upgraded Legendary ones.
A character that you can control in Helheim. The Champion explores chambers in the Catacombs and fights the army of Gloom.
Pieces of equipment that you can put on your Champion in order to improve the Champion's stats. This type of equipment is crafted from Helheim materials.
The number of points that you have to earn in order to receive an intermediate reward.
A coffer containing a random reward that you can open periodically. It is located on the Town map.
A union of Jarls. Once a Jarl has joined a Clan, they can complete Clan Tasks, purchase items in the Clan Store, and take part in clan, global, epic, and legendary Competitions.
A set of checkpoints that have been passed and points that have been earned by a Clan in a Competition.
A Jarl who created a Clan or who received this title from a Clan's previous Chief. The Chief has the broadest powers within a Clan.
Competitions in which Jarls who are Clan members take part.
A title in a Clan that grants the holder a wider range of powers.
A category in the rankings. It is calculated based on the number of top places taken by a Clan in clan and global Competitions, the number of checkpoints passed in clan and global Competitions, and the number of victories in the Clans Battle.
Points in a Competition that are earned by all clanmates. They count towards a Clan's total points.
A set of rules that a Clan's members must follow. It is created by the Clan's Chief.
In the Store, you can purchase items, boosts, speed-ups, and much more using Loyalty Points.
A Fortress that can be constructed and upgraded by a joint effort of a Clan's members. It gives the players access to Clan Knowledge, special equipment, Valley of the Aesir bonuses, battles in the Stronghold, and more.
A word of three to five characters in length that is used as the Clan's short designation. The tag must be unique.
Tasks that are only available to Clan members.
The sum of the total number of Influence points of all Clan members and the Stronghold's Influence.
A player from your Clan.
A global Competition between Clans from different Kingdoms.
An item that is required for studying Drafts in the Arms Guild, which is located in the Clan Stronghold.
A coffer that can be found and opened in the chambers of the Catacombs. It contains Helheim items and materials.
A coffer that contains Obsidian or Gold Nuggets. It can drop when you are yielding resources in Gifts of the Gods prize locations of levels 8 and 9.
The process of putting together four materials of the same quality in order to receive one material of a higher quality.
The appearance of information about an upcoming Competition in the Events window.
1. Marches of troops carrying resources that you can send to your clanmates'/allies' Towns and to the Clan Stronghold. In order to be able to send a convoy, you need to have constructed the Market in your Town.
A boost that temporarily increases the capacity of convoys that you can send to the Clan Stronghold.
Creating equipment.
Putting together rune fragments in order to obtain one whole rune.
The strongest opponents in the Catacombs of Helheim. The Champion will encounter a Creature of Gloom in every node, and a node is only considered to have been passed after the Creature of Gloom in it has been defeated.
D, E, F
A list of Quests that is refreshed every 24 hours. After completing the Quests, you will receive Coffers of different items.
An area in Holmgang. There are six small islands, on which Forts are located.
An item that extracts a gem from a piece of equipment and saves it in the Cache. To extract a gem of a certain class, you need a Diamond Knife of the same class or higher.
A function that is only available to a Clan's Chief. Once a Clan has been disbanded, it ceases to exist.
A boost that temporarily hides information from other Jarls, such as the equipment that your Hero is wearing and details about your Shaman and summoned Aes.
An item that protects troops when they are yielding resources in resource locations.
An item that allows you to permanently move to another Kingdom that will become your home.
Economic bonuses
Bonuses that affect resource production and yielding, Knowledge learning, building construction, warrior training and healing, and more.
A Shaman whose bonuses increase your siege troops' stats and reduce their training cost.
Aesir are divided into opposing groups. There are three Elements: Earth, Fire, and Ice. During battle, an Aes grants additional bonuses against an Aes of the opposing Element.
A Shaman whose bonuses increase your cavalry's stats and reduce their training cost.
Your Kingdom's opponent in a global Competition.
Increasing an Aes's level. Some Aesir can be enhanced using resources, while others can only be enhanced using Gold, and still others by using Soul Shards.
A boost that increases the experience earned by a Shaman by 25%.
Holmgang. A series of battles between two Clans on the Islands of Trials. Participants have to defend their own Forts and destroy the enemy Forts.
Pieces of equipment that you can put on your Hero, Shaman, or Champion in order to obtain military and economic bonuses.
For your Hero and Shaman: Helmets, Armor, Weapons, Boots, and Amulets. For your Champion: Helmets, Armor, Weapons, Belts, and Boots.
1) Standard equipment, 2) Invaders' equipment, 3) Special equipment, 4) Shamans' equipment.
The categorization of equipment according to its quality: Simple, Usual, Unusual, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. The higher the quality, the bigger the bonuses provided by the equipment.
A march of scout troops to a Town, resource location, Fortress, or Paladin Cohort in order to obtain information about an opponent.
The window that contains information about Competitions, bonuses, and Invaders and Ghosts on the Global Map.
To yield all the resources in a resource location; to empty it.
The territory in Asgard where the Asgard Towers are located. The Isles are connected with each other and with the Outlands by bridges.
Levels that make up the Catacombs of Helheim. A floor can have between three and ten nodes. As a reward for exploring all nodes on a floor, you will receive a Floor Coffer.
One of the game's basic resources. To replenish your Food supply, produce it in your Town's Farms, yield it in resource locations, attack other Jarls' Towns, etc.
A special location where Jarls fight neutral troops or each other. The Clan Stronghold, Place of Power, Throne of Jotunheim, Towers of Fury, Forts, and Asgard Towers are all examples of Fortresses.
Fortresses located on the Islands of Trials. Neutral troops — Island Guards — and resources can be found there. During Holmgang, Clans defend their own Forts and attack the enemy Forts. By destroying Forts, Clans earn points in the Competition.
The process of putting together four gems/runes of the same quality in order to receive one gem/rune of a higher quality.
G, H
A troop that yields resources in a resource location or remains as reinforcements in a Jarl's Town or in a Fortress.
The categorization of gems according to their quality: Simple, Usual, Unusual, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Legendary I, Legendary II, and Legendary III. The higher the quality, the bigger the bonuses provided by the gems.
Removing a gem/rune from a piece of equipment. There are two ways to remove a gem/rune: crush it or extract it using a Diamond/Runic Knife. If you use the latter, the gem/rune will be saved.
These can be inlaid into the slots of Hero's and Shaman's equipment. They grant extra bonuses.
An indicator that affects a Ghost's health reserve and the reward for attacking it. There are six levels of Ghosts.
A resource location that appears after a Ghost has been banished. By yielding resources in it, you can obtain rune fragments.
Shaman's opponents on the Global Map. They are divided into six levels — the higher the level, the stronger the Ghost. By banishing Ghosts, you can receive items, resources, and rune fragments. After a Ghost has been banished, a Ghost's Shelter resource location appears in its place.
Resource locations that contain a large amount of resources. They appear on the Global Map as a reward for winning the Kingdoms Battle: Fury.
A Competition during which Jarls from one Kingdom compete against Jarls from another Kingdom. It is held on the territory of all participating Kingdoms.
A map of a particular Kingdom. Jarls' Towns, Fortresses, resource locations, Invaders, Ghosts, Paladin Cohorts, and more are displayed on it.
A special resource. You can use Gold to purchase items and boosts, instantly train and upgrade warriors, construct buildings, learn Knowledge, craft Hero's and Shaman's equipment, enhance Aesir, and more.
An item that is used for upgrading buildings between levels 32 and 35.
An item that allows you to relocate your Town to another Kingdom during global Competitions.
A boost that increases resource production in the Town.
An item that shows the duration of a Peace Treaty in a Town or a Domain Guard in a resource location.
An item that relocates a player's Town to the Outlands in Asgard during the Battle for Asgard Competition.
An item that relocates a player's Town to Jotunheim during the Battle for the Throne Competition.
An item that relocates a player's Town from Jotunheim or Asgard back to the player's home Kingdom before the legendary Competitions are over.
Treating wounded warriors. After battles with Paladins or in your home Town, wounded warriors go to your Infirmary. If your Infirmaries can't hold all the wounded, 70% of those who do not fit are sent for resurrection, and the others leave for Valhalla forever. Healing can be performed in exchange for resources and over time.
A separate world where the Champion explores the Catacombs and fights Warriors and Creatures of Gloom in turn-based combat.
An item that increases the chance of a successful upgrade for a piece of equipment in the Forge.
A character that leads your troops and also attacks Invaders, Uber Invaders, and Uber Invader Chiefs. Developing your Hero grants you military and economic bonuses.
A set of Hero's Skills and equipment that is saved in a special slot in the Hero's Abode.
A coffer that contains Books of Knowledge, Star Shards, and/or Hero's Keys.
A boost that creates a copy of your Hero that possesses the same stats, Skills, amount of energy, and bonuses from the Hero's equipment. The Double can perform the same actions as the Hero. The Hero's and Double's bonuses are not added together. The experience that the Double gains is added to the Hero's experience.
This is required in order to attack Invaders, Uber Invaders, and Uber Invader Chiefs. The base amount of energy is 1,000 units, and the maximum possible amount is 5,000,000 units. It regenerates over time or if you use special items.
Pieces of equipment that you can put on your Hero in order to obtain bonuses. Hero's equipment is crafted from materials and is divided into three types: standard, special, and Invaders' equipment.
This stat influences the Hero's level.
An item that is used for upgrading your Hero between levels 61 and 70.
A numerical indicator of your Hero's development. It increases when your Hero gains experience. The maximum level your Hero can reach is 70.
The damage that your Hero inflicts on an Invader.
Your Hero's appearance. Seasonal and unique Skins grant bonuses.
Hero's/Shaman's enhanced attack
A type of attack whereby the Hero or a Shaman deals several blows, depending on the amount of energy/power they have, and receives several trophies for doing so.
A type of attack whereby the Hero or a Shaman hits an Invader or a Ghost once and receives one trophy for doing so.
These grant bonuses that affect the economic stats of your Town, the stats of your Hero/Shaman, and any troops that they lead. To improve Skills, you need Skill points.
Hero's/Shaman's Sustained Attack
Consecutive normal attacks on an Invader/Ghost carried out over the course of one hour. Every attack in the sequence increases the offense of the next one by 15%.
A successful defense of the Place of Power from enemy attacks. The Clan that manages to hold this Fortress until Guarded status appears becomes its owner. By holding the Place of Power in an enemy Kingdom, the Clan earns points in the Clans Battle.
Hero's opponents that appear on the Global Map for the duration of holidays or special events. You can destroy them with one hit and receive a Coffer of trophies for doing so.
An epic Competition between Clans on the Islands of Trials. Participants have to defend their own Forts and destroy the enemy Forts.
Groups into which participants in Holmgang are divided. The First League is the lowest one, and the Seventh League is the highest. Clans that gain victory in the Competition are promoted to a higher League and receive bigger rewards in the next Holmgang.
Periods of time during the Holmgang Competition. There are two phases: defense and attack. The phases follow one after the other, and each of them consists of a period of preparation and a period of action — the Siege itself.
The Kingdom for which you earn points in global Competitions. Your home Kingdom is the Kingdom in which your Town appeared at the beginning of the game or to which you moved using the Drakkar item.
A title that is displayed in a Jarl's profile and next to their Town's name on the Global Map. This may be the King of Jotunheim honorific, the Konung honorific, a title within a Clan, or an achievement that the player has received.
I, J, K
A boost that increases the capacity of all Infirmaries in the Town.
A universal stat that is used to compare the achievements of all Jarls. The rankings of Jarls and Clans are based on Influence.
A Shaman whose bonuses increase learning speed and reduce the cost of learning Knowledge, and also increase warrior training speed and the number of warriors in training.
A Jarl who organizes an Onslaught. The total number of warriors in an Onslaught depends on the level of the War Bloc in the initiating Jarl's Town and is also affected by their Hero's/Shaman's Skills, their equipment, the boosts they have activated, and any Reputes they have received, as well as by any Knowledge that has been learned in the Oracle and Shamans' Residence.
The process of inserting a gem or rune into a piece of equipment. The number of slots into which a gem can be inlaid depends on the type of equipment, and only Legendary equipment has a slot for a rune.
A resource location that appears after an Invader has been destroyed. By yielding resources in it, you can obtain one of the Invader's materials.
An indicator that affects an Invader's health reserve and the reward for attacking it. There are six levels of Invaders.
Hero's opponents on the Global Map. They are divided into six levels — the higher the level, the stronger the Invader. By attacking Invaders, you can receive resources, gems, and special materials. After an Invader has been destroyed, an Invader's Lair resource location appears in its place.
Pieces of equipment that you can put on your Hero in order to obtain more bonuses than those granted by standard equipment. Invaders' equipment is crafted from materials that drop from Invaders, Uber Invaders, and Uber Invader Chiefs and can also be obtained while yielding resources in their Lairs.
An item that adds four equipment slots in the Stock tab of the Forge.
One of the game's basic resources. To replenish your Iron supply, produce it in your Town's Mines, yield it in resource locations, attack other Jarls' Towns, etc.
Neutral troops that defend Forts during the Holmgang Competition.
A separate territory where the Holmgang epic Competition takes place.
In the Store, you can purchase Items, boosts, speed-ups, and much more using Gold.
A coffer of items for Town development. You can obtain it by upgrading the Palace.
A window that shows general information about a Jarl: their name, userpic, home Kingdom, Influence points, achievements, etc.
Jarl's Repute/Place of Power Repute
A temporary status that is given to a player by the Chief or an Elder of the Clan that is holding the Place of Power. Some Reputes improve the stats of Towns, while others worsen them.
Your picture in the game. If you link your game account to your Plarium ID, you can use your userpics from there.
A category in the rankings. It is calculated based on the number of top places taken and checkpoints passed in personal Competitions.
A unique Town Skin that is granted to the winner of the Battle for the Throne Competition.
A separate world where the "Battle for the Throne" legendary Competition is held.
An item that relocates your Town to the Islands of Trials during the Holmgang Competition.
A troop type that is effective against cavalry and siege units.
A player who has won the Battle for the Throne Competition.
A unique equipment pack for your Hero. You can receive it by winning the Battle for the Throne and by taking the top places in Competitions in Jotunheim.
Coffers containing different items that are granted to the winner of the Battle for the Throne Competition. They can either be kept or given to other Jarls.
The sum of the points earned by all players from the same Kingdom who are participating in a global Competition.
A temporary status that is given to a Kingdom by the King of Jotunheim. These Titles affect every player in the Kingdom. Some Titles only improve the stats of Towns, while other Titles improve some stats but reduce others.
The total number of Influence points of all Clans in a Kingdom.
A global Competition during which Jarls from one Kingdom compete against Jarls from another Kingdom.
Periods of time during the Kingdoms Battle global Competition. There are three phases that each last 16 hours. To win a phase, a Kingdom must earn more points than its opponent. If a Kingdom wins two phases, it wins the Competition.
A global Competition during which four Kingdoms compete against each other.
All Kingdoms in the game are displayed on this map.
Knowledge that is learned in the Oracle improves the economic stats of your Town and the military stats of your troops, Hero, and Shaman. To learn Knowledge, you need to spend either resources or Gold.
Knowledge in the Clan Stronghold
Knowledge that is learned in the Shamans' Residence improves the economic processes in the Clan Stronghold and the military stats of Clan members. To learn this Knowledge, you need to spend Clan resources, Scrolls, and Precious Dust.
The Chief of the Clan that is holding the Place of Power.
L, M, N
Marks that you can place on the Global Map.
Groups in Competitions. Clans are divided up according to their Influence, while Jarls are assigned to Leagues according to their Palace level. The Leagues are, from the lowest to the highest: the League of Rookies, League of Recruits, League of Warriors, League of Conquerors, League of Masters, League of Odin, and the League of Asgard.
The Battle for the Throne in Jotunheim and the Battle for Asgard.
Points that you can use in order to purchase items in the Clan Store. To earn Loyalty Points, complete Clan Tasks and help your clanmates and allies by boosting processes in their Towns. The Chief of the Clan that is holding the Place of Power earns 10,000,000 Loyalty Points every 24 hours.
A special, personalized, or holiday offer in the Bank. It is valid for a limited time only.
One of the game's basic resources. To replenish your Lumber supply, produce it in your Town's Lumber Mills, yield it in resource locations, attack other Jarls' Towns, etc.
This type of Knowledge improves Town economics and the stats of tier I to VII warriors, as well as your Hero's and Shamans' stats. You can learn it in exchange for Gold or resources. Learning some pieces of main Knowledge requires you to spend Totems, Manuscripts, or Obsidian.
An item that is used for learning certain pieces of Knowledge in the Oracle.
A troop that is moving on the Global Map.
Items that are required for exploring Helheim.
1) Standard materials that are necessary for crafting standard and Shamans' equipment, 2) Special materials that are necessary for crafting Invaders' equipment.
The categorization of materials according to their quality: Simple, Usual, Unusual, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. The higher the quality of the materials, the better the equipment that can be crafted from them.
These are used for crafting equipment in the Forge.
Items that a Clan receives in the Battle for Asgard Competition. The Clan's Chief can use them to purchase items, pieces of equipment, Town Skins, and Hero's Skins in the Asgard Store.
A troop type that is effective against cavalry and killers.
An item that unlocks slots for Hero Sets.
Military bonuses
Bonuses that affect the military stats of your warriors, Hero, Shaman, and other characters.
The area around the Place of Power. Resource locations, level 6 Invaders, Uber Invaders, and Uber Invader Chiefs can be found there. In the case of a failed defense, a player's Town is relocated from the Millennial Forest to a random place on the Global Map.
A special mode of the Global Map that displays all important objects. In the Kingdoms, you can see Fortresses, resource location zones, Landmarks, and clanmates' Towns on this map. During the Clans Battle and Holmgang, the Towns of the opposing Clan are shown. In Jotunheim, only the Throne and the Monsters are shown, while in Asgard, the mini-map shows Asgard Towers, landmarks, and your clanmates' Towns.
Moderate Economy/Great Economy
A boost that temporarily decreases the Food consumption of your troops.
A coffer of items, boosts, and other contents that drops from Monsters of Jotunheim when you attack them. There are eight types and six levels of Monsters' Coffers.
Troll and Egir's Votary are the Invader and the Ghost in Jotunheim.
A list of Quests that is refreshed every 30 days. After completing the Quests, you will receive Coffers of different items.
Changing your home Kingdom to a different one. To move, you need the Drakkar item.
A tab in the Watchtower. You can use it to search for different objects on the Global Map.
Neutral troops
NPC warriors. They defend Towers of Fury, Forts, and Asgard Towers and also attack the Clan Stronghold once Siege status has been activated.
A window that shows information about various Events, updates, contests, giveaways, and upcoming Competitions. To open this window, go to the game Menu.
Locations that make up the floors in the Catacombs of Helheim. Every node has 20 chambers. For exploring a node, you receive a reward.
O, P
An item that is used to learn Knowledge in the "Tier VII Troops" category in the Oracle.
This term refers to the Warrior's Fortress, Raven's Rest, The Cradle, Home of the Aesir, Bastion of the Beast, and Dragon's Citadel Skins. When you activate them, they change the appearance of your Town and grant bonuses for a certain period of time.
A joint attack performed by clanmates and allies on Towns of other Jarls or Fortresses.
Your Clan's opponent in the Clans Battle and Holmgang Competitions.
Your Kingdom's opponent in global Competitions.
The territory around the Floating Isles in Asgard. This is where your Town appears when you relocate from your home Kingdom to Asgard.
Also referred to as "packs in the Bank." Special Bank offers containing items, boosts, resources, and more. They are only available for a limited time.
The main building in the Town. Increasing the Palace level allows you to construct and upgrade other buildings. The Town level is equal to the Palace level.
A numerical indicator of your Town's development. To increase it, you need to upgrade the Palace using Gold or resources. At high levels, such items as Bronze, Gold Nuggets, and Soul Shards are required.
NPC troops on the Global Map. Attack them using your warriors or send your scouts to them. By defeating a Cohort, you will receive a Quest reward, as well as points in Competitions that have attacking Paladin Cohorts as one of their tasks.
The same as the Peace Treaty. A boost that protects your Town from enemy attacks.
A boost that protects your Town from enemy attacks.
A set of checkpoints that you have passed and points you have earned that count towards total personal points.
Competitions in which all Jarls can take part.
Tasks that are available to all players.
The central Fortress in a Kingdom. The Chief of the Clan that captures the Place of Power in their home Kingdom becomes the Konung and receives 10,000,000 Loyalty Points every 24 hours. The Chief and Elders of the Clan holding the Place of Power have the ability to assign Reputes to any Jarls in the Kingdom where they are holding the Place of Power.
The current situation of the Place of Power. "Open" status means that the Place of Power can be captured. "Siege" status means that a Clan has taken the Place of Power and is defending it. "Guarded" status means that a Clan is holding the Place of Power, and nobody else can capture it.
An item that can be transformed from Legendary gems in the Workshop. Precious Dust is required in order to develop the Clan Stronghold, activate Siege status in the Tower of Odin, and craft and set traps.
Tasks that are only available to players with active VIP status.
Gifts of the Gods of levels 7, 8, and 9 and Gold of the Gods. They appear on the Global Map as a reward for winning certain global Competitions.
A boost that you can use to learn two pieces of Knowledge in the Oracle simultaneously.
Points that the Chief and Elders use in the Catalog to procure various items, boosts, and other things for the Clan Store. To earn Prowess Points, complete Clan Tasks and help your clanmates and allies by boosting processes in their Towns.
Q, R
In-game missions. To complete them, you have to perform certain actions. Once you have done so, you will receive a reward.
A Shaman whose bonuses decrease enemy warriors' stats and increase the number of warriors in an Onslaught.
A troop type that is effective against melee troops and killers.
A system for comparing players, Clans, and Kingdoms according to various stats: Influence, offenses, plunders, etc.
Troops that have been sent to enhance the defenses of a clanmate's/ally's Town or a Fortress.
Temporary relocation of your Town to another Kingdom during global Competitions.
Buildings that produce resources in the Town and transform them in the Clan Stronghold.
The panel in the upper part of the game screen that shows the amount of each resource in your Town.
The process of obtaining resources from resource buildings in the Town: from the Farm, Lumber Mill, Mine, Stone Quarry, and Manor.
Obtaining resources in a resource location on the Global Map.
Resources are required for constructing buildings, learning Knowledge, training warriors, etc. There are five basic resources in the game: Food, Lumber, Iron, Stone, and Silver. There is also one special resource: Gold.
You can get access to your game progress if you have previously linked your account to Google Play or Game Center, or to your Apple ID or Plarium ID.
Bringing fallen warriors back to life. You can resurrect: 1) 70% of warriors that cannot go for healing after a battle in the Town because of your Infirmaries' capacity. 2) 70% of all warriors that fell in battle outside the Town. Resurrection can only be performed using Gold.
An item that can be used to return your Town from an enemy Kingdom to your home Kingdom before the end of a global Competition.
An item that can be used to return your Town from the Islands of Trials to your home Kingdom during the Holmgang Competition.
A special gift for visiting the game. Its value increases if you claim it every day. The reward reaches its maximum on the 30th day.
The categorization of runes according to their quality: Simple, Usual, Unusual, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. The higher the quality, the bigger the bonuses provided by the runes.
Trophies that can be obtained by attacking Ghosts or yielding resources in their Shelters. In the Rune Workshop, you can create whole runes from fragments.
Runes can be inserted into the special slot of Legendary pieces of Hero's and Shamans' equipment to grant additional bonuses. Runes are created from rune fragments.
An item that you can earn in Competitions and exchange for items and resources, as well as unique Town and Hero's Skins in the Seasonal Store.
An item that extracts a rune from a piece of equipment and saves it in the Collection tab of the Rune Workshop. To extract a rune of a certain class, you need a Runic Knife of the same class or higher.
S, T
A building in which you can summon and enhance Aesir.
A troop type that can obtain information about the Towns of other players, resource locations, Fortresses, and Paladin Cohorts. Scouts protect your Town from espionage. They only fight enemy scouts and cannot yield resources, as they have no capacity.
Items that are used for constructing and upgrading the Clan Stronghold and buildings in it, learning Knowledge in the Shamans' Residence, and crafting and upgrading traps in the Trap Workshop.
A coffer that contains various items. You can purchase it in the Seasonal Store using Runic Coins.
Competitions that are marked with a special banner icon. By taking part in them, you can receive regular trophies and Runic Coins if you are in the League of Conquerors or higher.
A unique Hero's Skin that grants bonuses if you activate it. You can purchase these Skins in the Seasonal Store.
A store where you can exchange Runic Coins for items, seasonal Coffrets, Town and Hero's Skins, and equipment for the Hero, Shaman, and Champion.
A unique Skin that changes your Town's appearance and grants military and economic bonuses. You can purchase these Skins in the Seasonal Store.
Periods when the Seasonal Store opens. The latter contains items, Town and Hero's Skins, and equipment for the Hero, Shaman, and Champion.
An item that resets your Hero's Skill points, so you can distribute them again.
A boost that allows you to construct or upgrade two buildings in the Town simultaneously.
Special Knowledge in the Oracle. The first stage of secret Knowledge unlocks at level 31 of the building, the second stage — at level 36. To learn and upgrade this type of Knowledge, you need Soul Shards.
Services to which you can link your game account: Google Play, Game Center, Apple ID, and Plarium ID.
A character who banishes Ghosts and leads troops. Each Shaman has personal Skills and Abilities.
Bonuses that a Shaman grants. Their value depends on a Shaman's Initiation stage.
An item that is used for summoning a Shaman and increasing their Initiation stage.
A boost that creates a copy of your active Shaman that possesses the same stats, Skills, amount of power, and bonuses from equipment. The Double can perform the same actions as the Shaman. Your Shaman's bonuses and your Double's bonuses are not added together. The experience that the Double gains is added to the Shaman's experience.
This stat influences a Shaman's level.
A phase of development of a Shaman. A Shaman's Initiation stage affects their maximum level and the value of the bonuses provided by their abilities.
A numerical indicator of a Shaman's development. It increases when a Shaman gains experience. A Shaman's maximum level is limited by their Initiation stage. The maximum possible level a Shaman can reach is 60.
The damage that a Shaman inflicts on a Ghost.
This is required in order to attack Ghosts. The base amount of power is 1,000 units, and the maximum possible amount is 5,000,000 units. It regenerates over time or if you use special items.
Pieces of equipment that you can put on a Shaman in order to obtain bonuses. Shamans' equipment is crafted from different Hero's and Shaman's equipment.
A Shaman whose bonuses increase your killers' stats and reduce their training cost.
A special mode. When it's active, you can fight troops led by jötunns and other Jarls' troops in the Clan Stronghold.
A troop type that is effective against melee and ranged troops. Also referred to as "siege engines" or "siege troops."
One of the game's basic resources. To replenish your Silver supply, produce it in your Town's Manors, yield it in resource locations, attack other Jarls' Towns, etc.
An item that is required for upgrading buildings between levels 36 and 40, enhancing Aesir, learning secret Knowledge in the Oracle, and for training and upgrading tier VIII warriors. You can obtain Soul Shards by killing enemy warriors from other Kingdoms and neutral troops.
Pieces of equipment that you can put on your Hero and that grant more bonuses than Invaders' equipment. Special equipment is crafted from materials and other pieces of equipment. To craft it, you must first study the corresponding Drafts in the Arms Guild of the Clan Stronghold.
Materials that drop from Invaders, Uber Invaders, and Uber Invader Chiefs. You can also obtain them while yielding resources in their Lairs. These materials are needed for crafting Invaders' equipment.
Personal offers containing Gold, resources, items, and boosts at a good price. They are available for a limited time.
Pieces of equipment that you can put on your Hero in order to receive bonuses. Standard equipment is crafted from standard materials.
These are needed for crafting Hero's equipment. You can obtain them by completing Tasks, attacking Invaders and Uber Invaders, yielding resources in resource locations, and opening the Chest of Loki.
Main Quests related to constructing and upgrading buildings, learning Knowledge, and training warriors.
Items that are required for upgrading Town Skins.
A Shaman whose bonuses increase your ranged warriors' stats and reduce their training cost.
One of the game's basic resources. To replenish your Stone supply, produce it in your Town's Stone Quarries, yield it in resource locations, attack other Jarls' Towns, etc.
Bank offers that give you items, resources, Gold, or bonuses every day for a certain period of time. When you purchase a subscription, you immediately receive additional Gold.
Activating the temporary bonuses of an Aes. You can summon an Aes of level 1 or higher without needing to spend either items or resources.
Ghosts with increased health. By attacking them, you can receive more rune fragments and points in Competitions.
Linking your game details to your profile on Google Play or Game Center, or to your Apple ID or Plarium ID.
This bonus allows you to instantly complete Tasks. You can obtain it at certain VIP status levels.
1) Personal Tasks that are available to all players, 2) Clan Tasks that are available to Clan members, 3) Premium Tasks that are available to players with active VIP status.
An item that refreshes the list of Tasks.
The categorization of Tasks as being Simple, Usual, Unusual, Rare, Epic, or Legendary. The higher the type, the bigger the reward.
Short-term missions. To complete them, you don't have to spend resources or Gold or actively perform any action. Tasks are completed automatically, after which you can claim a reward: resources, materials, gems, and more.
Temporary bonus in the Kingdoms Battle: Fury
A bonus that doubles the number of points earned for completing a certain task in the Competition. The bonus is activated for three hours in turn in each Kingdom.
A Fortress in Jotunheim. The player who holds it the longest during the Battle for the Throne becomes the King of Jotunheim.
The relative level of troops. The higher the tier, the better the basic stats of the warriors.
An item that can be used to instantly destroy a building in the Town.
An item that is used to learn Knowledge in the "Tier VI Troops" category in the Oracle.
A Fortress that appears only during the Kingdoms Battle: Fury. It contains resources and neutral troops that guard the Fortress.
A building that allows you to fight troops led by jötunns and other Jarls' troops in the Clan Stronghold.
Town Skins change your Town's appearance on the Global Map and grant permanent bonuses. To obtain or upgrade a Skin, you have to meet certain requirements.
A location that remains in the place of a Town after it has been relocated to another Kingdom, Jotunheim, or Asgard during Competitions. It prevents other players from occupying this place.
Adding new warriors to your ranks. They can be trained in the Barracks instantly (in exchange for Gold) or over a period of time (in exchange for resources).
Creating Precious Dust from Legendary gems and Celestial gems in the Workshop.
Devices that are crafted in the Trap Workshop that is located in the Stronghold. They are used during Holmgang. Traps can be set in the Forts during the defense phase, and they grant bonuses against different types of troops.
Warriors that have been sent to yield resources, attack, perform espionage, or act as reinforcements.
A boost that increases the maximum headcount of warriors in a troop.
Troop Enlargement in Onslaught
A boost that increases the maximum headcount of warriors in a troop that you are sending on an Onslaught.
An item that cancels a troop's march.
A saved template for forming a troop. By using these templates, you can assign warriors for certain types of marches in advance.
Different kinds of warriors. There are five main types: melee, ranged, cavalry, killers, and siege. And a special type — scouts.
Warriors that you can train in the Barracks. They are necessary for defending your Town, attacking other Jarls and Paladin Cohorts, yielding resources in resource locations, sending reinforcements, and capturing Fortresses. Troops are divided into six types: melee troops, ranged troops, cavalry, killers, siege units, and scouts.
Troops of warriors that the Onslaught initiator, other Clan members, or their allies have sent on an Onslaught.
NPC warriors that start attacking the Clan Stronghold after Siege status has been activated in it.
U, V, W
Opponents on the Global Map. These foes have more health than Uber Invaders, and they appear from time to time around the Place of Power in the Millennial Forest.
A resource location that appears after an Uber Invader has been destroyed. It appears for a limited time. In comparison to an Invader's Lair, there are more resources in an Uber Invader's Lair, and the yielding speed there is higher.
More powerful Invaders. You can find them in the Millennial Forest. They drop the materials of four regular Invaders.
A Shaman whose bonuses increase your melee warriors' stats and reduce their training cost.
Level I, II, and III Legendary gems. To obtain them, you need to fuse different Legendary gems.
The process of increasing the bonuses provided by Legendary Hero's and Shaman's equipment. To do so, you need Legendary materials and other equipment. You can increase the chance of a successful upgrade by using Helheim Fire.
Increasing a level of a Gard — a Town Skin. To do so, you need to fulfill certain conditions and have enough Star Shards. Upgrading seasonal Town Skins will also require Runic Stones, and you'll need Asgard Stones to upgrade Asgard Town Skins.
Increasing the main stats of warriors, such as offense, defense, and health, in the Valkyries' Citadel.
The territory around a Clan's Stronghold. The Towns of Jarls who are members of the relevant Clan that are located in the Valley receive bonuses.
An item that is required in order to increase your VIP status level.
This grants various bonuses when active. The number and effectiveness of the bonuses increase as you increase your VIP level. To activate VIP status, you need to reach a new VIP level or use the VIP Status Activation item.
The Aesir belong to different, mutually opposing Elements. Earth Aesir grant a bonus to troop offense against Fire Aesir. Fire Aesir grant a bonus to troop offense against Ice Aesir. Ice Aesir grant a bonus to troop offense against Earth Aesir.
An item that unlocks slots for Troop Sets.
A stat that indicates the quantity of resources that your warriors can bring from resource location or enemy Town. To increase this stat, learn the relevant Knowledge and upgrade your Hero and Shamans.
A stat that shows how much damage your warriors can block. To increase this stat, learn the relevant Knowledge, use boosts, upgrade your warriors in the Valkyries' Citadel, and upgrade your Hero and Shaman.
A stat that shows how much damage your warriors can take before they get killed. To increase this stat, learn the relevant Knowledge, use boosts, upgrade warriors in the Valkyries' Citadel, and upgrade your Hero and Shaman.
Warrior Number in an Onslaught
A boost that increases the maximum number of warriors in an Onslaught that you are organizing.
Warrior Number in Onslaughts on Towns
A boost that temporarily increases the number of warriors in an Onslaught on a Town if you are the initiator of the Onslaught.
A stat that shows how much health your warriors can deduct from enemies. To increase this stat, learn the relevant Knowledge, use boosts, upgrade warriors in the Valkyries' Citadel, and upgrade your Hero and Shaman.
A boost that temporarily increases the number of warriors you can train in the Barracks.
An item required for building and upgrading the War Bloc.
Opponents in Helheim. They differ in level, strength, and type.
A stat that shows how fast your warriors can move on the Global Map. To increase their speed, learn the relevant Knowledge, use boosts, and upgrade your Hero and Shamans.
The amount of Food that your warriors consume.
Free space on the Global Map, to which you can relocate your Town.
An item that is used to exile players from the Valley of the Aesir. You cannot exile your clanmates or allies.
A list of Quests that is refreshed every 7 days. After completing the Quests, you will receive Coffers of different items.
A Shaman whose bonuses increase your scouts' stats and reduce their training cost.
A boost that sends a certain number of warriors that were killed outside the Town for healing.