Battle for the Throne
The Battle for the Throne is the legendary Competition held in Jotunheim. In the vast lands of this icy world, Jarls from all Kingdoms fight for the Throne of Jotunheim Fortress and for the honorific "King of Jotunheim."
You can learn all the essential information (Competition start and end time, tasks, and more) in the Battle for the Throne Competition block of the Events window.
The Battle for the Throne lasts for two days. To win, you need to capture and hold the Throne of Jotunheim Fortress longer than everyone else. The duration of all your attempts is added together. During the Competition, other Jarls' results are hidden. You can view them after the event has ended.
Only Jarls who are Clan members can participate in the Battle for the Throne Competition. Moreover, your Palace needs to be level 21 or higher, and your account needs to be older than 30 days.
You can view the Jotunheim Map and information about events, as well as go to Jotunheim, by using:
- The "Jotunheim" button in the Menu
- The icon of the active legendary Battle for the Throne Competition on the Global Map
- The Competition block marked Jotunheim in the Events window
- The Jotunheim icon on the Kingdoms Map