
Competitions are special contests in which Jarls receive various rewards for participating. In every Competition, you need to complete certain tasks: train warriors, destroy enemy troops, yield resources, etc.

To view the list of Competition tasks, go to the Events window and select the required Competition. The Info tab will show you all the tasks, the number of points you can earn for completing them, and the rewards.

Competitions can be personal, clan, global, epic, and legendary. In the Events window, personal Competitions are marked in green, clan Competitions are marked in blue, global Competitions are marked in red, epic Competitions are marked in purple, and legendary Competitions are marked in yellow.

Jarls take part in personal Competitions on their own, and in clan Competitions as part of their Clan.

The Clans Battle global Competition is held between Clans from two different Kingdoms.

In the Kingdoms Battle and Kingdoms Battle: Fury global Competitions, different Kingdoms participate.

Only Clans that have submitted an application can take part in the Holmgang epic Competition. To relocate their Towns to the Islands of Trials, where the Competition is held, Jarls from these Clans must have a Palace level 21 or higher.

The Battle for the Throne legendary Competition is held in Jotunheim. To relocate to the icy world, you need to be a Clan member and have a Palace of level 21 or above.

The Battle for Asgard legendary Competition is held in Asgard. To go there, you need to be a Clan member and have a Palace of level 34 or above.

The Battle for the Light legendary Competition is held in Alfheim. To go there, you need a Palace of level 25 or above and a special item called Alfr Crystals. 

Personal and clan Competitions are not connected. However, if the tasks in the Competitions happen to overlap, points for completion are awarded in all Competitions at once. This rule doesn't apply to legendary Competitions held in Jotunheim.

In Competitions where you need to earn Influence, you can not only receive points but lose them as well. For example, if you demolish a building, the number of points will be reduced. In some cases, the Influence stat may even be negative. 

The final results of a Competition are calculated within three or more hours after the Competition has ended.

Please note the mechanics for when warriors return after battle.

20% of warriors who died during a battle are automatically returned to the Town. These 20% are not displayed in reports.

However, in Competitions, when calculating points for the "Killing enemy warriors" task, the 20% of warriors who return are counted.

Here's an example: let's say you send 1,000 Mercenaries to an enemy Town, and the battle ends in defeat. In this case, you will see the following data in the report: "Losses — 800/1,000."

This means that you actually lost 800 of the 1,000 warriors that you sent, since 200 of the fallen warriors (20%) automatically returned to your Town.

Meanwhile, your opponent will receive points for destroying 1,000 tier I warriors in the "Killing enemy warriors" task.

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