Holmgang. Applying
There are several requirements for participation in Holmgang:
- Your Clan must have been created at least 30 minutes before the Competition was announced
- Your Kingdom must be at least 30 days old
- Your Clan must have 30,000,000,000,000 Influence points or more
If all these requirements have been met, within 12 hours after the Competition has been announced, the Chief or Elders of a Clan can apply to participate in the Competition. To do so, they need to hit the "Participate" button in the Info tab in the Competition window.
In the "Application form" window, select the three-hour time period that is most convenient for you to fight the battles. Please note that the application form displays your local time.
This window also shows the number of Clans that have already applied for this time period, including the number of Clans from your Holmgang League. If all the places for the selected time period have already been taken, you won't be able to apply to participate.
When the application has been submitted, all Clan members will receive a system message about participation in Holmgang.
Following the application period, participating Clans are divided into groups according to their League, the time selected, and their Influence. One group can include a maximum of 10 Clans, which are then split up into pairs of opponents. You can check out how Clans are assigned to Leagues in Holmgang on the forum.
If a group contains an odd number of participants, the Clan with the lowest Influence will be left without an opponent and will miss this Competition.
Once an opponent has been assigned to your Clan, the Competition window will display information about your opponent, the time left until the battle starts, and the phase you will start from: defending or attacking the Forts.